History is written by the victors -Winston Churchill

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Labor Unions

Part B
a. Capitalists: Document A-Massachusetts Bureau of the Statistics of Labor, Document B- Selig Pearlman and Philip Taft; Document G- Samuel Gompers;
b. Nativists: Document I-Leonard Dinnerstein, Roger L. Nichols, and David M. Reimers
c. Horatio Alger: Document C- Nelson Manfred Blake;
d. Anarchists: Document H- Judge Jenkin;
e. Socialists: Document E- Charles M. Dollar
f. American Public: Document D-Charles M. Dollar; Document F- Philip S. Foner;

2.horatio Alger convinced america that one could easily climb the ranks of socio economic classes and fulfill the "rags to riches" tale that became the "American Dream". Fueling the idea that capitalism was opportunistic for all. This with the ideas of nativists that the American work place had no room for immigrants contributed to deluding the American public. The capitalists encouraged capitalism and industrialism especially laisse faire. 
3. The biases worked together against the idea of workers demanding jobs and fairer conditions. Media along with these biases covered the minority making it so that the public could not hear about te unfair conditions occurring during this time. There was also a decrease in productivity when the public began to rebel. 

Part C
Most active members of the labor movement were socialist immigrants who were already heavily exploited and looked down on by society. This made it hard to get any recognition from the public however once they did, the capitalistically driven media cast them into a negative light to sway the public against them.
The stong grip of capitalism gave people this vision of someday achieving a very successful business on their own with caused them to ignore the labor movement in the hopes of gaining success on their own. 

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